Quantitative Ability

The Quantitative secti on measures your basic mathemati cal skill s, understanding of el ementarymathemati cal concepts, and the ability to reason quantitatively and solve problems i n a quanti tative setting. There i s a balance of questi ons requiri ng basi c knowl edge of ari thmetic, al gebra, geometry, and data analysis. These are essential content areas usually studied at the hi gh school level. 
The questions i n the quantitative section can al so be from 
• Discrete Quantitative Question 
• Quantitative Comparison Question 
• Data Interpretation Question etc. 
The di stributi on in thi s gui de i s only to facilitate the candi dates. This di stri bution is not a part of test templ ate, so, a test may contain all the questi ons of one format or may have a random number of questi ons of different formats. 
This chapter i s divi ded i nto 4 major secti ons. The fi rst di scusses the syll abus/contents in each secti on of the test respecti vely and the remai ning three secti ons address the questi on format, guide lines to attempt the questions i n each format and some exampl e questi ons. 

2.1 General Mathematics Review

2 . 1. 1 Arithmetic 
The foll owing are some key points, whi ch are phrased here to refresh your knowl edge of basic arithmeti c princi pl es. 

Basic arithmetic

• For any number a, exactly one of the following is true: 
o ais negative 
o ais zero 
o ais positive 
• The only number that is equal to its opposite is 0 (e.g. 0 a a only if a =−=) 
• If 0 is multiplied to any other number, it will make it zero ( 00 a×=). 
• Product or quotient of two numbers of the same sign are always positive and of a different sign are always negative. E.g. if a positive number is multiplied to a negative number the result will be negative and if a negative number is divided by another negative number the result will be positive. 
See the following tables for all combinations. 

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